Singing is Discipleship
All the activities of the church are to accomplish the common goal of discipleship. This is the case whether we are evangelizing the lost in order to make disciples in the salvific sense or we are engaged in the work of sanctification of the body of Christ. While the church engages in discipleship outside its walls, our gatherings ought to be defined by discipleship. Among the things prescribed by Scripture that we do when we meet, our singing is no insignificant thing!
Scripture is (literally) breathed out (spoken) by God. A better translation for “inspired…” (theo-pnuestos) in 2 Tim. 3:16 is actually “expiated of God.”
The Bible is, at the same time, an extremely human book and an undeniablydivine book.There is a sort of “Dual Authorship.” The author’s personalities and even writing styles are preserved. All but a couple biblical authors/writers were known to be common men with no rabbinic training. But the Bible is ultimately a divine book. Despite merely human authorship, they spoke and wrote for God while never being self-conscious about it, making around 4,000 claims to be writing and speaking the very words of God.