Father Child Campout
Join us for the Father and Child Campout for an unforgettable night of fellowship and devotional time with your children. If you need a tent, no worries—loaner tents are available; just let us know if you'd like to borrow one. We have an exciting night planned, including delicious pizza on Friday night and yummy donuts on Saturday morning. Don’t miss out on this memorable event. We look forward to seeing you there!

Baptism Sunday
Have you trusted Jesus for forgiveness and salvation and now desire to follow Him in believer’s baptism? We would love to celebrate with you as a church and be encouraged by your testimony!

All Church Family Meeting
This is more than a business meeting! Twice a year, we gather to celebrate what God has done in and through our church since we last met, pray together about where we are actively trusting God and hear about what is next for our church! Childcare is provided upon request in sign up!

Spring Women's Conference
Ladies, getaway for a fun and meaningful womens conference! We will study God's Word, worship in song and be encouraged by rich small group discussion on stories/testimonies!
Location TBA, although it will be in 1 to 2 local homes of TMCC congregation on Friday evening and Saturday.

Newcomer Dessert
Are you new to The Mill? Come enjoy some delicious treats and find out what is important to us as a church, meet church leadership, get to know other current members and ask questions.

Preteen Bible Study
Calling all grade 3-6 students to invite a friend and join us for our next Bible study hangout. We are currently going through a study on our identity in Christ and what it means to follow Jesus.

Monthly Prayer Meeting
Prayer changes things!
Join us as we pray together for the prayer requests and needs of our people, our church as a whole as well as our community and country.

Membership Class
Are you interested in making TMCC your church home? Join us for lunch after the worship service Sunday 3/16 from 12:15-2pm (Exact location TBA) to discuss what it means to be a local church member and what it looks like at The Mill.

Monthly Prayer Meeting
Prayer changes things!
Join us as we pray together for the prayer requests and needs of our people, our church as a whole as well as our community and country.

Pre-Teen Discipleship Event (Grades 3-6)
Calling all Pre-Teens (grades 3-6)! Invite a friend and join us for another evening of fun, food, friends and Bible study on our Identity in Christ!

Interest Meeting for Dominican Republic Mission Trip
Join us to inquire about the costs, fundraising efforts and the nature of the ministry during the mission trip to the Dominican Republic.

Super Bowl Watch Party
Come enjoy fun, food and fellowship as we enjoy the Super Bowl! Please sign up for a dish to share.

Women Board Games & Charcuterie Boards
Join the women for a fun night snacking and fellowship with board games. Please sign up for the charcuterie board you plan to bring.

Monthly Prayer Meeting
Prayer changes things!
Join us as we pray together for the prayer requests and needs of our people, our church as a whole as well as our community and country.

The Mill Men @ Arcade 92
All machines are set to FREE PLAY... no quarters needed. Play all day!
ALL guests must pay to enter ($12)
Guests under 15 must be accompanied at ALL TIMES.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service! We will meet at Lykins Elementary in downtown Celina for a Candlelight Christmas Eve Service for the whole family. We will have hot chocolate and cookies and end the service with a candle-lit traditional singing of Silent Night - bring the family and join us!

Women's Gift Tag Making
Come get crafty with us! Join us for a fun morning of gift tag making and fellowship! We will walk you through all the steps of how to make handmade gift tags for all of your Christmas presents.
Just bring a breakfast item to share and register online so we make sure to have enough supplies for everyone!

Christmas Party
It’s the most wonderful time of the year and the end of another year of ministry and life-change at The Mill - let’s celebrate!
a salty or sweet food item to share (be sure to sign up at link below)
each adult bring a wrapped gift ($10 limit) for the white elephant gift exchange
wear your ugliest Christmas sweater for the contest

Church Booth at Christmas on the Square
Christmas on the Square is one of downtown Celina's biggest events! Help us increase awareness for our church and meet folks in our community by serving a shift at this event! Contact Stephanie LaFerney for more info on shift needs and times.

Newcomer Dessert
Come hear more about The Mill, ask questions and discover next steps! Coffee, dessert are provided. Childcare provided upon request.

Prayer Meeting
Prayer changes things! Join us as we pray together for the prayer requests and needs of our people, our church as a whole as well as our community and country.

Pre-Teen Discipleship Event (Grades 3-6)
Calling all Pre-Teens (grades 3-6)! Invite a friend and join us for another evening of fun, food, friends and Bible study on our Identity in Christ!
Event details coming soon!

All Church Family Meeting
Come celebrate all God has done since we last met, pray together about our needs and desires as a church and looking forward together toward what is next for us as a church!

Fall Block Party
Let's meet some of our neighbors and give out more than just candy this year! Join us for our Fall neighborhood outreach by either by being one of 3 host homes or partnering with others in our church to be part of the welcome party at each home - engaging, playing yard games, and having meaningful conversations with treat-or-treaters, while giving out pre-packaged bags with candy, Gospel literature and church invite in it!

Pre-Teen Pumpkin Carvin'
Calling all Pre-Teens (grades 3-6)! Invite a friend and join us for a fun (and supervised) night of carving and decorating pumpkins! We will also continue our Bible study on our Identity in Christ! Just bring a pumpkin and we will provide all the tools and decorating supplies!

Men's Fall Retreat
Gather with likeminded men to study and discuss what God's Word says about who we are in Christ!

Kid's Ministry Training
We will cover Scheduling, Protocols, Curriculum, Teaching Prep, Resources and more!

Women's Progressive Dinner
We're hosting a progressive dinner!
Beginning at 5pm, we’ll journey from house to house, starting with appetizers, followed by the main course, and concluding with dessert and games.

Covenant Membership Class
Are you interested in joining our faith family as a member and want to hear more about our values, theology and philosophy of ministry? Join us Wednesday, October 9 at 5:30PM in downtown Celina for our next Membership class. Food and childcare are provided.

2 Year Anniversary Service
Worship with us and stay after the service for lunch and custom birthday cake from Granny's. There will be lots of family fun with inflatables and yard games as we celebrate God's faithfulness to us!

Candy Drive
Let's give more than candy this Halloween! Bring candy with you every Sunday morning in October and contribute to our Fall Neighborhood Outreach.
Families in our church will partner together to host a candy+church invite station in their driveway along with a fun activity to engage neighbors and guest.
We are praying for spiritual conversations, church invitation, and most of all that the Truth of God to be sweet to them!

Pre-Teen Discipleship
Grab a friend and join us for games, fun, food, friendship and a Bible study discussion on our identity in Christ!