Our Core values guide the ministry of our church and help ensure we are glorifying God & making disciples.

Truth. We build our lives on and center our ministry around the truth of God’s Word. The whole Bible is intended to be taught, preached, and studied. We live this out through expository preaching and our confidence in the sufficiency of Scripture.

Gospel. We preach the person and work of Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of Scripture. The Good news of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection has the power to save and transform all who trust in Him for salvation. We live this out through an emphasis on the finished work of Christ as well as a deep desire for life-change.

Family. We are convinced the church is a family, united in Christ and designed by God to provide belonging, care, and encouragement. We live this out through grace-based accountability and intergenerational ministry.

Mission. We believe that every Christian is a minister and a missionary, sent by Jesus to be His witness in their world. We live this out through prayer and personal evangelism.