Chad’s story

I grew up a compliant church kid. But by God’s grace, He showed me that wasn’t enough. My parents divorced when I was three and despite being raised in a broken home, I had a strong family and church community. My mom raised me in church and I went to a Christian school for a while. And not only did I typically follow the rules, my reasons for being obedient were usually good. I genuinely wanted to respect authority and please my mom and God. I can’t recall a time when I wasn’t a Christian. I proudly wore my cross necklace and W.W.J.D. (What would Jesus do?) bracelet. I voluntarily read my Bible and led Bible studies in my church youth group. And when I inevitably disobeyed, I pretty quickly felt conviction and wanted to not repeat the sin. None of this is bad, in fact, I believe it is good and I thank God for it. It just wasn’t enough.

I knew biblically that I needed a savior and that no one was good enough, but my pre-teen self didn’t quite understand the depth of my sinfulness or the height of God’s love for me. But in my teenage years I felt more strongly the pull of temptation and something very critical came into focus... I need Jesus. I noticed sinful motives and patterns I hadn’t before. My fear of man, selfishness, and lack of love for God bothered me. I had to put my faith in Jesus into practice. Did I believe his death on the cross paid for that sin? Was I convinced that God’s ways are better and what He promises me – sexual purity, His will, His acceptance, etc. – was better than the short- term pleasure of sin? When I was 15, after hearing the Gospel at my friend Micah’s church and then again at summer camp, I realized following Jesus was going to cost me something (or everything) and I decided it was well worth it. His death on the cross seemed more costly and loving to me and I desired to live for Him.

All of the sudden, I realized my obedient disposition, my genuine concern for people and sensitivity to my sin were all the ways He was drawing me to Himself. I recognized His protection as I navigated my parent’s divorce and avoided the overt sin I was exposed to at my dad’s house. He gave me a loving family, a God-fearing mom, a dad that loved me, Godly mentors and more. I see clearly God’s hand in my life making me interested in the things of God, allowing me to see sin for what it is, giving me grace for my dad and gratitude for my mom, protecting my heart and mind from very real temptation, putting Christian friends in my life when I changed schools, bringing my wife into my life early and helping us have a relationship that honored Him. This is all the undeserved favor of God. I am blessed to have spent most of my life walking with God and proving His wisdom and kindness. As Psalm 34 says, I have tasted and seen that the LORD is good!

The Gospel and the goodness of God that saved me continues to transform my life today – as a follower of Jesus, a husband, a father, and a pastor. Today I obey, not to self-righteously earn my salvation or to avoid His punishment, but to please my Heavenly Father who has so graciously saved me, forgiving me and reconciling this former sinner to Himself. I still sin and I am still tempted today. And the ways I am tempted gives me a glimpse of who I would be without Jesus – and it’s not pretty. But I trust that His sinless life (on my behalf) and His death (in my place) are enough! I am declared righteous, because of my faith in Jesus. I believe He was raised from the dead, which gives me hope of eternal life with Him. Until then I want to know Him more, serve Him more, and share this good news with others!